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Healthy and Hydrated....The power of H2O!!

Hello my darlings! it seems like an age since I was beasting the world of skin care into your lovely little faces! After a well needed break (Although the way 2020 is going I feel I want to hibernate for the remainder of the year) I am back and more ready than ever to make your skin dreams comes true!

So, given the weather the last couple of weeks, lets ignore the heavy rain today, I feel now is a good time to discuss our lovely friend H2O!!!

If you aren't aware and didn't pay attention in science class (because who actually did?) H2O is the chemical formula for WATER meaning that each of its molecules contains one oxygen and two hydrogen.

So, were going to get a little bit sciencey (because I was an absolute nerd at school and DID pay attention in class).

Let's talk about the water in YOU!

In order to survive what do we need? Food, Water, air, Instagram (No?) Water is a major importance for all things living, in some living organisms up to 90% of their body weight comes from water.  Humans are made up of 60% water, but let's break this down further;

  • The brain and heart are made up of 73% water

  • The lungs are made of 83%.

  • SKIN contains 64%

  • Muscles and kidneys are 79%

  • Even bones have 31%

  • Our blood is made up of 90% water

Each day we need to consume a certain amount of water in order to survive, Of course, this will vary on age and gender and also where someone lives and their lifestyle. Not all water comes from drinking fluids, there is also a lot of water in the foods we choose to eat.

Water is super important for our body to function effectively because it;

  • Regulates our body temperature

  • Flushes toxins from the system

  • Aids brain function

  • It helps create saliva and mucus

  • It protects your tissues, spinal cord and joints

  • It maximises physical performance

  • Prevents constipation

  • Aids digestion

  • Helps with nutrient absorption

  • Improves blood oxygen circulation

  • Improves immune system

  • improves skin

  • Aids weight loss

  • Allows the body's cells to grow, reproduce and survive.

So, water is a pretty big deal to your overall health and existence.  Let's take this back to my last two posts in regards to skin type.  My skin type has changed so many times over the years, and I'm going to bring up a time when my skin became SUPER SUPER dry!!

I remember regularly taking trips to my beauty therapist for hydrating facials and all sorts of moisturisers, but the truth is, if you analyse what had changed in my routine I had recently added outdoor running and marathon training to my already heavy fitness schedule, it was cold outside, and running makes you sweat! suddenly my skin absorbed moisturiser as if I hadn't drank for weeks! but the truth is, I was sweating out a lot of water, and was not replenishing enough back into my body, and as a result, my skin massively suffered! The same happened to me for the last couple of weeks, it's been super-hot, and I work outdoors in full body armour, boots, on foot patrol for 8 hours a day, in the beaming sunshine, and I'll admit, I am shit at drinking enough water.  On top of my job, I am dance competitor an avid Gym goer / runner / boxer / Judo / weight training / anything I can get into...(I absolutely adore sports and fitness and have done since the dawn of time) so needless to say, I'm pretty active in my life, and being active means losing more water every single day.  But without replenishing it, not only is my body suffering... MY POOR SKIN! So here it is my darlings, take my pain and mistakes, and use it to learn, grow and glow!


Drinking enough water, can give you radiant, healthy younger looking skin! it makes sense when you think, your skin is the largest organ in the body, made up of lots and lots of cells, and just like every other cell in your body, they require water to function at their best!

If you are not hydrating yourself properly, your skin will become dehydrated, and dehydrated skin means, tight, sensitive, flaky and dry and this in turn can increase wrinkles. I'm sorry but it's true. On top of this sad story, dehydrated skin means a dull complexion and pores are more prominent (nobody needs that kind of negativity in their life!).

Sadly, when you drink water, all your other organs will take the water first, meaning your skin gets the last pickings, SO DRINK MORE! Water acts like moisturiser, but from the inside out.

In 2007 there was a study in the international journal of cosmetic science where they looked at the long term effects of water intake on the skin, this study found that drinking 2.25 litres of water every day for four weeks altered skin density and thickness, another study showed that just drinking two cups of water improved blood flow to the skin. Waters flow, makes your skin glow! (how many of these can I get in).

What is the importance of skin density and thickness I hear you ask...WELL...

Skin density and thickness decrease as we age, and in turn becomes thin, loose and fine. Basically it means we age and loose elasticity in our skin! Our skin become more sensitive and susceptible to environmental damage.

Other than hydrating your skin, water will flush out toxins from your body, this includes anything that may be lingering around on your skin, in fact drinking more water can improve skin texture, brightness, skin plumpness, acne and general appearance of your skin. Drinking more water allows you to absorb more nutrients from the foods you eat, which is only going to benefit your skin further!  Sipping your way to smoother skin!

water allows your body, including your skin to function at its most optimal performance, but remember these results will not appear over night! seeing changes takes time, Consistence. perseverance. Success.

2 litres a day keeps the wrinkles away!

Water is the key to enhancing your beauty and prolonging your youth. Consuming an adequate amount of water will give you fresh, soft glowing skin. Adding more water into your diet is only ever going to be a win win, you're going to feel better in your general well being and health, have more energy, and your body is going to utilise itself more effectively, and on top of all this, you are going to have beautiful, youthful, clear, radiant and perfect skin! what more could you ask for? In fact, maintaining your body's natural temperature helps keep the skin moist which in turn replenishes the skin tissues and increases elasticity, delaying the signs of aging, dark circles and fine lines!

There are plenty of ways to increase moisture into your skin, you can add water-based moisturisers and hyaluronic acid into your daily routine, and always apply products after a shower whilst your skin is still susceptible. I recently started adding electrolytes to my routine;  These are minerals in your body that have an electric charge, they are in blood, urine, tissues and other fluids.  Electrolytes are important as they help balance the amount of water in your body.  Not having enough electrolytes in your body can result in dehydration, and we know the negative effects of that! so, if you are suffering maybe add a few of these to your water and help your body replenish what you have lost. Please remember not to OVER HYDRATE, i'm not saying star drinking water in excess, but maybe put the soda bottle down and pick up some H2O instead.

Ultimately if you want your skin routine to have MAXIMUM results, start adding a bottle of water into your routine and hydrate yourself, free your cells! plump your skin and hydrate yourself happy!

You will see the results and your body AND YOUR SKIN will thank you eternally! ( don't forget all the benefits it has on hair and nails!).

So, turn on that tap and go make your skin EXTRAORDINARY!

Until next time dolls!

Please remember I am NOT doctor or a dermatologist, please take advise from your doctor if you have any concerns.

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